3 Days CG90 Clear Grease 500ml (Pack of 15)

CG90 Clear Grease 500ml (Pack of 15)

Brand Action Can
Product Code: CG90500ML
Availability: 3 Days

Please Note: If stock is not available, lead times may depend on supplier stock. Please contact us if you wish to check this before placing your order.
£119.16 Ex VAT: £99.30

CG-90 is a clear, general purpose grease for superior lubrication. It demonstrates excellent surface adhesion with a high tack strength whilst penetrating parts quickly and then thickening to form a long-lasting NLGI 2 grease.

CG-90 contains PTFE which greatly enhances lubrication performance and reduces friction. CG-90 has excellent thermal stability and is resistant to hot water, steam, acids and alkalis preventing corrosion. Wide operating temperature range from -12°C to +180°C and will not break down under high loads.

Note: CG-90 is no longer registered with the NSF as ‘food grade’; although may still be used in the Food & Beverage sector based on satisfactory end-user risk assessments being conducted.

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