3 Days Proflex 100 x 3.0 x 16mm DPC Stone Cutting Discs (Pack of 25)

Proflex 100 x 3.0 x 16mm DPC Stone Cutting Discs (Pack of 25)

Brand Abracs
Product Code: ABPF10030DS
Availability: 3 Days

Please Note: If stock is not available, lead times may depend on supplier stock. Please contact us if you wish to check this before placing your order.
£19.80 Ex VAT: £16.50

Abracs Proflex metal cutting discs are an incredibly good value product with an exceptional cost per cut ratio.

Manufactured to European quality standards, long life, and high performance cutting with minimal effort required.

Proflex discs have been developed for extended performance, smooth and consistent cutting metal. Suitable for use on a wide variety of metal cutting applications including mild steel, sheet steel, high grade steel, and iron.

Suitable for use on an angle grinder.

Smooth and consistent cutting. Long life and high performance. Heavy duty cutting and consistent wear rate.
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